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Select hurricane category below to visualize storm surge prediction. DISCLAIMER
This map product is intended to provide a preliminary overview of potential storm surge flooding in the coastal areas of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It is meant for coastal development planning and should not be utilized for real-time applications, commercial purposes, or for forecasting storm surge flooding at specific sites. Please visit the National Hurricane Center and the National Weather Service for up-to-date tropical cyclone information.
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This information is presented as a good faith service to the scientific community, the public in general and to our colleagues and friends. The information, views and opinions herein provided should not be viewed as formally accurate scientific data and/or advice that can be relied upon without proper verification and validation. This service should not be construed as a substitute for specific data that could be obtained though official sources. If any inaccuracy is observed, please inform CaRA as soon as possible for verification and correction, as necessary. Use of and reliance upon the information provided in this web site signifies that its user(s) understands and has(ve) accepted of the above mentioned caveat and conditions.