Information on water quality, including beach pathogens, ocean acidification and oceanic and coastal ecosystem status.
Forecast for February 17, 2025 - Windy conditions. Easterly winds 10-15 knots with gusts. Waves 4-5 feet. Rip currents. Small craft should exercise caution.
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Below EPA Limit
Above EPA Limit
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Below EPA Limit
Above EPA Limit
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EPA Limit 70 (MPN/100 ml)
Surfrider Historic Table
Point to any bar on the Graph to view details for each Measurement.
Green bars represent Measurements under the BAV while yellow bars represent Measurements above the BAV.
BAV or Beach Action Value is defined as 70 MPN CFU/100 ml and is represented by the red dashed line.
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The Date Range is defined by the Start Date and the End Date of the data show on the graph.
By default, The Date Range is set to View All, which means that the Start Date is the earliest measurement and the End Date is the most recent measurement for the selected location.
The Date Range can be modified to show only the time period that is of interest.
Methods to select the date range:
1. Zoom
Use the Zoom values to change the date range to 1, 3, 6 or 12 months before the currently selected End Date.
2. Calendars
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3. Resizing Handles in the scrollbar
Move the left Handle to change the Start Date or move the right Handle to change the End Date.
4. Horizontal Scrollbar
Drag the scrollbar left or right to change the Start and End Dates simultaneously while keeping the Date Range the same.
The main map shows the latest water quality results for beaches in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The tests are performed by Surfrider Foundation-Rincon, Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board and the CARICOOS team following EPA-approved Enterolert® protocols. The results show the Most Probable Number (MPN) of colony-forming units (CFU) of Enterococcus in 100ml of seawater. The standard EPA threshold used in Puerto Rico for public notification is the Beach Action Value (BAV), which corresponds to 70 CFU/100 mL of seawater.
On the right hand side menu you can access additional products including:
Information on two indexes of oceanic ecosystem status, ocean chlorophyll and floating algae index.
A map depicting active coral bleaching alerts.
Information on coastal and ocean acidification status and trends can be found for La Parguera Marine Reserve coral reefs and for the oceanic areas of the Northern Caribbean and W. Tropical Atlantic.
The IPACOA interface provides information on water quality and ocean acidification from various observing assets.
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The main map shows the latest water quality results for beaches in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The tests are performed by Surfrider Foundation-Rincon, Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board and the CARICOOS team following EPA-approved Enterolert® protocols. The results show the Most Probable Number (MPN) of colony-forming units (CFU) of Enterococcus in 100ml of seawater. The standard EPA threshold used in Puerto Rico for public notification is the <a href="">Beach Action Value (BAV)</a>, which corresponds to 70 CFU/100 mL of seawater.
On the right hand side menu you can access additional products including:
<li>Information on two indexes of oceanic ecosystem status, ocean chlorophyll and floating algae index.</li>
<li>A map depicting active coral bleaching alerts.</li>
<li>Information on coastal and ocean acidification status and trends can be found for La Parguera Marine Reserve coral reefs and for the oceanic areas of the Northern Caribbean and W. Tropical Atlantic.</li>
<li>The IPACOA interface provides information on water quality and ocean acidification from various observing assets.</li>
This information is presented as a good faith service to the scientific community, the public in general and to our colleagues and friends. The information, views and opinions herein provided should not be viewed as formally accurate scientific data and/or advice that can be relied upon without proper verification and validation. This service should not be construed as a substitute for specific data that could be obtained though official sources. If any inaccuracy is observed, please inform CaRA as soon as possible for verification and correction, as necessary. Use of and reliance upon the information provided in this web site signifies that its user(s) understands and has(ve) accepted of the above mentioned caveat and conditions.